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What's your blueprint?

Dear friends, have you seen The Blueprint film yet? Last year, this film rose out of the hearts of myself and my co-creator, and took us on a wild adventure over the course of several months.

The original intention was to offer a vision for humanity, of a way of life where we live in eco-communities and practice living in harmony and respect with each other. We wanted to make it clear that this is entirely possible, yet only through a shift of consciousness within each of ourselves, whereupon we have the courage and discipline to align with our higher selves, listen to the spirits of nature and the divine, and act with great honour accordingly.

In essence, paradise on Earth is entirely possible when we operate from the Blueprint - a dance between the unique spirit blueprint that is coded within each of us, and the blueprint of the spirit of the land that we find ourselves upon.

The question I have for you, is are you allowing your blueprint to shine through and lead your life? We are each coded deep within our spirits and cells with who we're meant to be and what we're here to do - if we choose to activate our blueprints at that level. This is always what is trying to come through in every lifetime, if we can make space for it by doing the work to clear the layers of worldly conditioning and programming that obscures it.

Through the making of the film, I was able to connect much more powerfully with my own Blueprint, such that life becomes very simple - there is nothing else to strive for or practice except that alignment! It is my hope and prayer that you will also receive this blessing through watching the film.

The vision for the film began as a documentary that would show many ecovillages across the world, but then its life force compelled us in another direction. Stories are an ancient vessel for sharing the medicine of wisdom and meaning. We created a fictional framework to bring dramatic context and relevance to the message, and embedded within it genuine conversations with ecovillagers, permaculture and land regeneration experts, and other conscious change-makers. We are so thankful to our cast of experts who believed in it and played along, including for instance, Mac Macartney of Embercombe, Marcel Hof (Wim Hof’s brother), and the people of Tamera's healing biotopes and Damanhur's Temple of Humankind.

Yet even the more fictional elements of the film are based in truth, for example, the network of eco-communities are protected and hidden within a fifth dimensional energetic boundary in the shape of a five-pointed star. This was taken from my journey in 2012 to create a higher dimensional ‘Celestial Gateway’ across the land in the Surrey Hills, under the guidance of ascended master tree spirits, which you can read about in the book I published in 2015, Celestial Earth.

The making of The Blueprint was a challenging journey for multiple reasons, including limited time, money, and man power resources, plus a planet in lockdown. Yet The Blueprint had its own spirit and will - it wanted to be birthed, and we did it!

The feedback has been incredible, with people now feeling inspired and motivated move to or create an ecovillage, and it has been compared to La Belle Verte and The Celestine Prophecy.

I am in the deepest gratitude for having been chosen to co-birth this film, and spread the message that has been in my heart for so many years through the visual vehicle that is filmmaking.

It is the ideal high vibrational movie to watch at the beginning of 2021 to help you get crystal clear and aligned and inspired for this year! And you can watch it for free!! Sign up for a free trial with Ickonic (you can unsubscribe within the week to not be charged). Ickonic are a great and entirely trustworthy new media platform, with genuinely wonderful people on the team, creating loads of alternative content.

So watch the film and start the year with a commitment to your own Spirit Blueprint!!!

Watch it here:

With love and blessings always,

Karen x


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