The key to your life,
is the hidden part of your self...
Everything about how you are and how you live is directly related to the health of your energy field.
Seeing as we are only made of energy, and the finer energetic field, comprised of finer bodies and energy centres, is connected to our physical body and self, it is entirely essential to maintain the health of your energy field if you want to be whole and happy and for life to go in the direction you desire.
It has also been shown that potential health issues can show up in the energy field/aura before the issue becomes physical.
Almost all clients that come to see me due to a plethora of different 'problems,' have most commonly, either power loss from the energy field, or are carrying extraneous debris that has never been cleared away - or often a combination of the two. ​
Do you commonly
Constant tiredness
Stress & emotional irritability
Over sensitivity to other people & environments
Emotional imbalances / mood changes
Feeling unprotected
Recurring negative patterns
Feeling heavy, dark, weighed down, mired
Anxiety & depression, feelings of being 'caved in'
Life not going how you want it to go
Sense of powerlessness and limitation
Inexplainable physical / energetic symptoms

None of this should be tolerated as ‘life.’
Though life is inherently challenging, we should be resourced enough for it to be challenging yet enriching.
Is your energy field whole, balanced, clear, magnetic?
Ceremonial Sessions
In all energy work sessions, I read various elements in your energetic health that are related to the major energy centres and condition of your overall energy field, and where possible heal, clear, unblock or retrieve missing energy/power.
Energy Detox Sessions are a recommended first step for people who want a check in, to see how I work, or for simple energetic repair. To maintain the health of the energy field, suggestions are made during the treatment, and regular or a set of sessions are recommended.
For a more radical reset and upgrade of the energy field, where there has been much energy loss, or where you have a fairly healthy energy field but wish to optimise it so that it facilitates your purpose and life actualisation, an AuraTransformation is recommended. This is a permanent treatment to acquire the more powerful field that children are being born with today.
If you've had an AuraTransformation, or were born after the mid-nineties, it is recommended to have a check-up/boost 2 or 3 times per year until you are fully confident about maintaining an optimal energy field yourself. These are Balance Sessions, and are the 'New Energy' equivalent to the ENERGY DETOX Sessions.

A permanent treatment to completely heal and upgrade the energy field, providing a complete soul reading, and creating the strong aura type that the children are now born with.
A shorter AuraAdjustment is available for people born between 1987 - mid nineties who may have part of the new aura integrated.
Balance Session
The 'new time' equivalent to Energy Detox, this treatment is for people who have already had an AuraTransformation or were born after the mid-nineties and who need a clear-out and re-boost of their aura, with opportunity for intuitive guidance upon their life path.
Allow 1.5 - 2 hours

“I felt lifted and centered after my session with Karen... Since then I have felt very energized and a lot of synchronicities have been happening in my life. I feel very much at peace with myself and the world. I now also dwell deeply into finding what are the things that I really enjoy doing that contribute to my sense of connection with God and wellbeing, happiness, and make me a human being of absolute integrity so I can be happier inside my body and be of help to the planet. I practice them every day so I can create sound habits out of virtues…
I can’t tell you how transforming a time it has been. I have also cleared my house of outworn stuff and I have found a renewed enthusiasm in life and work… for which I have to thank you a million times!!!
I thoroughly recommend this process to anyone that wishes to center and uplift their vibration. Karen is an amazing practitioner and I am glad I choose her for the process."
Millie A - Mind Body Spirit Direct.