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S H E  Gathering (online)

Igniting the Golden Flame of the Creatrix within all women. 

Resourcing the sisterhood who are midwifing a New Earth led by the Codes of the Sacred Goddess

SHE - Winter Womb: November-January

Dear Woman, are you over-busy & yearning for integration? Are you pregnant with creative potentiality & needing dream-journey time? Are new seeds of your purpose work seeking the joyful fires of playful creation?

Enter into the Earth, Gaia's rich soil, return to your womb - the portal of life and death, give fire and form to your dreams…


Words are not powerful enough to express why.

A song, dance, scream, or kiss, will better suffice.

We only know, that we know


S H E  is needed.


S H E  can bring balance and harmony back.


S H E  is the healer, the seer, the weaver, the creator.

S H E  is LIFE.


S H E  must be restored.


Are you a woman? Then by your very nature you are a life giver, healer, seer, creatress, artist... here to midwife a New Earth. 


This Gathering, facilitated by awakened, activated women, is for all diverse women, to come together in temple as sisters... 


If your feminine power is newly awakening, you will receive many gifts. If you are a master priestess, let us celebrate and shine a light on each other...


Your Winter Womb Space

Four components woven together for a cosy, restorative, creative winter!


Dream Weaving Sessions

There will be three Dream Weaving Sessions - one each month. These sessions invite us to enter the Creatrix dream space of the Womb - the Source of Life. There will be space for being creative, for visioning, dream boarding or planning your own Dharmic ideas, plus co-weaving with the other sisters present. 


The Monthly Temples

There are two temples exploring the Mastery Keys - aspects of the Christos-Sophia Blueprint, that all on an evolutionary path at this time are assimilating, whether conscious of it or not. In the Monthly Temples, we bring our self-enquiry to this and other evolutionary processes at work within us, for some deep sister sharing.


Energetic Self Love Rituals

In this ceremonial set up we will be practicing Energetic Self Love through the connection with the Nature within us (5 elements) and devotional Fire that will be awaken through Cervix breathing (technique shared by Olivia Naomi Bryant in her course Rapture 2.0). There will be two of these sessions.


'Inner Wild' Ceremonies

There will be two 'Inner Wild' Ceremonies - one being the Winter Solstice - to align in sacred space with life's cycles. With the power of intention, alignment and resonance, miracles can happen to co-create the life experience we are longing for in harmony with the wisdom of Nature that lives within us.


*  Ritual & Magic

Soulful Facilitation

Creating & Co-Weaving  

Cacao Accompaniment

SHE Winter '23 artwork.png

Winter Womb Facilitators 

Standing for the mycelial magic of sisterhood to weave heaven on earth...

(accompanied by the ceremonial medicine of the Cacao Spirit) 


Karen Aiyana Birch

Temple Dream Weaving  


Pamela Naraya

Wild Ritual


Agni Chandra

Energetic Self Love



Divine Sound


Cacao Medicine

Heart Opening


Lydia Baksh

Medicine Songs


Cacao Accompaniment​​


SHE is envisioned as a journey that will be accompanied by the sacred 'heart-blood' goddess medicine, Cacao. This beautiful Plant Spirit Elixir will enrich our empowerments, healing, insights and collective heart resonance.​ The intention is that all sisters will arrive in the space with a preparation of Cacao Medicine ready. You'll receive guidelines on how to buy & prepare a Divine Elixir of Ceremonial Grade Cacao, which you can infuse with flower essence, therapeutic grade essential oil, and specific enchantments. ​For sisters who choose not to consume cacao, you will be advised of an alternative, e.g. Golden Milk.



Thurs 16th Nov - 1st Feb 24,

6pm UK/WET:

Full details here


We begin our cosy journey in the fading Autumn light of the November New Moon.

Our journey's midpoint is the Winter Solstice, the ancient Celtic Festival, nature's call for replenishment & dreamtime, to gather close around the fire with our kin. 


12 Weeks / 10 Sessions of Sacred Magic

enfolding the Winter Solstice.

Your Gratitude:


Priestess: €222  

Our inclusive price for female mystics who are seeking to establish sovereignty in a patriarchal world.

Empress: €333 

Gratitude, this provides more capacity for other sisters to join us.

You can also give a custom amount (min €222). If this is still unaffordable, please get in touch.


P.S. this gathering allows Karen to continue to build The New Earth School, an educational not-for-profit organisation in service to creating a New Earth.


Vision for S H E

S H E  online is intended to run twice a year to support our annual death and rebirth.

1 - Spring Beltane Rebirth, to ignite our unique sacred flames for the summer season.  

2 - Winter Solstice Womb, to draw a nourishing creative fire for winter magic.

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