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Why are sacredness, power and balance, the three pillars of the White Temple? Set aside 15 minutes and join me for this meditation / invocation / seminar as I introduce the magic of the three pillars.

To sum,

S A C R E D N E S S : the feminine energy that connects us with the subtle realms, spirit, heart, and the beauty of the universe.

P O W E R : the masculine energy that enables us to create, have presence and be in healthy relationship to everything in this world.

B A L A N C E : the child energy that creates a calm, happy and healthy balance in life.


To work more deeply with these pillars, consider working with me in 1:1 Life Mastery Coaching - tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Alternatively consider taking the NEW EARTH MASTERY online course. Only £19 per week for 13 weeks, including 2 hours of 1:1 coaching, New Earth Mastery takes you deeply and comprehensively into the world of self and life mastery, providing you with a complete pathway and set of tools for total wholeness, balance, spiritual progression, manifesting ability, healing, and healthy relationships.

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